

Data team discussion

4 Tips to Gain a Data-Driven Mindset

By Industry Insights, Insight

We live in a big data world, it’s hard to deny it. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are doing everything from improving industrial agriculture to providing recipe recommendations and telling you about restaurants nearby that you might like. Data is everywhere, in every industry, in every home. That being said,…

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Mainsail 10 Mass Edit

Optimized Response Times in Mainsail 10

By Mainsail
In today’s modern terminal ecosystem, users should be empowered to leverage granular, powerful insights to make impactful operational improvements in their terminal. With Mainsail 10, operators are getting these data, and they’re getting them fast. With Mainsail 10, fast is held to a higher standard. Users who spend hours each...
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Mainsail 10 theme

Customized User Experience in Mainsail 10

By Mainsail
Mainsail 10 sets the standard for the next generation of terminal operating systems (TOS) by giving customers the exact tools they need to meet the challenges of today’s demanding terminal environments. The application is designed to be as incredibly intuitive and contains many cutting edge customizable elements to reflect individual...
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Mainsail search detail

Interactive Search Tools in Mainsail 10

By Mainsail
Data. It surrounds us every day in the world we live in. Anything and everything has a barcode, a serial number, a reference tag, and a hundred other data elements surrounding it. Managing that data — searching through that ocean of information for the one key dataset you need —...
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