

Engineers Business Analysis on Terminals

Understanding Your Terminal Through Our Business Process Analysis

By Client Services, Mainsail

At Tideworks, we work extremely hard to make sure that our software solutions answer the exact problems our customers are faced with. Over the years we’ve refined a process that starts with sales and business development and takes us straight through to rollout and implementation. We’re thorough so that the final phase goes smoothly and terminal operators are prepared to leverage our software.

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person working on an Excel sheet

Go From Data Collection to Data Cohesion

By Data Platform

Anyone that’s dealt with large volumes of information before has seen it. The neverending Excel spreadsheet filled with data. Column after column and row after row, numbers, and labels divided into identical little boxes, stretching off into infinity. Or so it can feel when you’re tasked with turning all of…

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Container port at dusk

How We Scale as Your Terminal Grows

By Mainsail
The only constant is change. Nowhere is this truer than in the world of terminal operations. Whether it be seasonal fluctuations or increased demand over time, terminals are always chasing ideal efficiency and scaling to meet demand. Unfortunately, most organizations cannot increase their physical footprint or their staff quickly or...
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