Built as a flexible platform, not just a product, Mainsail scales to remain in lockstep with terminals as their needs and requirements evolve.
A next-generation TOS will need to do three primary things to meet customer demand:
Include all features and functionality customers need to run their facility today and into the future.
Empower customers beyond basic functionality to access complex and precise data intuitively.
Offer robust training and support so no matter the issue or request, customer resolutions happen in a timely manner.
Mainsail Enhancements
What do all of the enhancements and features introduced with the next generation of Mainsail mean for our customers?
Higher quality data:
Tideworks can generate better and more granular data for analytics, which can help you improve operational decision-making. Tideworks can now scale to handle larger loads and multiple terminals more efficiently, directly reducing expenses for customers with economies of scale.
By creating a proprietary billing engine separate from the TOS, Tideworks can now establish centralized management of billing contracts of rates, tariffs, invoicing, etc. to expand billing capabilities from the terminal to the corporate level.
Terminal automation:
Tideworks can simplify terminal automation for customers. This helps reduce integration complexity and improves support for different operating modes. Perhaps more importantly, Tideworks helps navigate the automation technology landscape and partnering with you to assess and prepare for introducing automation when and where it makes sense.
Tideworks is now even more flexible with your requests to accommodate sudden changes you face from customers and other industry influences. As you face new and varied industry pressures and become more adaptable incorporating new features, Tideworks can offer even more timely and effective support, assisting in process improvement and strategizing future enhancements to meet your changing needs.
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