No single intermodal terminal is exactly the same. Each has a different footprint, layout, and track configuration. Local agreements will differ, as will the geography, weather, and a host of other factors. Trying to design a one-size-fits-all TOS is a fool’s errand.
The solution is a fully modular system that includes everything an operation could need but tailors what’s delivered to fit each customer’s unique situation. Thanks to Tideworks, it’s a reality. We offer the most complete, extensible terminal operating system ever developed.
What Factors Should You Consider Before Upgrading Your Terminal Operating System?
to find out.
Our Total Intermodal TOS is designed to meet terminals where they are, delivering only the functionality they need, with the promise of future expansion. This makes our TOS affordable, scalable, and future-proof. Let’s take a look at what’s available.
IPRO and Traffic Control: Core Functionality for Everyone
Intermodal Pro (IPRO) and Traffic Control are the beating heart of our TOS. IPRO gives terminal operators intuitive graphical planning tools that help to eliminate guesswork. Users can quickly manipulate ramping and deramping orders using simple drag-and-drop functionality and easy to read, color-coded container information.
Define the layout and characteristics of your yard and set parameters for each train. Orchestrate complex moves and then deliver work orders electronically into Traffic Control.
With Traffic Control, work instructions are delivered digitally and instantly, without the need for radio communication or paper orders. You’ll get instant feedback with real-time status updates that are dispatched the moment a move is confirmed. Moves are prioritized automatically using user-definable logic flows. Inventory is always kept up to date, and yard equipment productivity is maximized.
Together, IPRO and Traffic Control give terminal operators finely-tuned control over their operations and equipment, replacing human guesswork with automatically-optimized move prioritization and path creation, reducing rehandles, and dramatically increasing overall efficiency. Your planning will be faster, more accurate, and instantly trackable.
What Other Features Can You Look Forward to in Our Base Intermodal Solutions?
Tideworks Insight: Real-Time Data Accessibility for Business Intelligence
IPRO and Traffic Control (TC) give users access to operational data out of the box. Tideworks Insight elevates this to the next level. It’s a powerful value-add that provides enhanced data visibility intoIPRO and TC, and systems beyond the TOS.
Not only can you look at equipment utilization, move rates, turn times, and other useful metrics, you can drill down to specific time periods, operators, and tracks. You can slice and dice your data in countless ways in real-time, to pull crucial insights that drive efficiency.
Tideworks Insight extends your view beyond operations as well. The software allows you to tie in data from your other business systems as well, such as financial and maintenance. You can track move efficiency from a maintenance perspective, or look to optimize equipment investments based on actual usage statistics.
Tideworks Insight dramatically expands your ability to dissect your operation with customizable dashboards using both real-time and historical data. With Tideworks Insight, if you can conceive of it, you can measure it, and you can examine it as granularly as you like. You’ll uncover inefficiencies you never knew existed and discover ways to improve operations that you never could have guessed.
Ready to Discover the Data-Backed Keys to Unlocking Innovative Improvements in Your Terminal?
Terminal View: 3D Visualizations For Instant Access and Feedback
Traffic Control’s interface is clean, intuitive, adaptable, and accessible. And with Terminal View it gets even better. This value-add extends Traffic Control’s abilities and gives employees new ways to interact with their data.
Instead of interpreting the 2D abstractions inside of Traffic Control, operators can fly through a real-time 3D simulation of their terminal. If you need to find a specific container or piece of equipment you can perform a simple search and navigate right to it. You’ll see the action around your terminal simulated as it’s happening.
You can view your move prioritizations with simple color-coding choices and filter your yard based on a wide variety of parameters. With your data translated into an interactive 3D model of your facility, you can watch your terminal in real-time. You’ll see equipment idle times, track hazardous materials, easily specify yard layouts, and discover bottlenecks that hamper efficiency. Equipment allocations, inventory statuses, and move progress are easily accessible with Terminal View.

The Total Intermodal TOS from Tideworks Grows With You
The choice is yours. We’ll help you design the perfect TOS for your operation. Add whatever makes sense for the way you work, and then grow into the full package solution over time.
IPRO is the brains of the TOS, making critical business decisions. Traffic Control executes IPRO’s work instructions, giving you the tools you need to maximize equipment and yard productivity. Terminal View distills Traffic Control’s data into a 3D representation of everything happening in your terminal from moment to moment. And then Tideworks Insight lets you take a deep dive into the data that underpins your entire operation.
It’s the Total TOS Solution and it’s ready to become exactly what you need.