![Truck turn times](https://tideworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/busy-container-terminal-closeup-PNZKGQ2-1.jpg)
Terminal operators spend the entirety of their day making decisions, big and small, that impact the productivity and efficiency of the terminal. How they arrive at those decisions is the most critical and potentially consequential aspect of their job. Every terminal operator has a unique experience and perspective. Everything they do and every decision they make can potentially be influenced by an “educated guess” or a “gut call.” They’re human. Terminals today, however, realize they can no longer rely primarily on opinions and operations experience to effect meaningful change in their terminal. That’s where data comes in. In a modern terminal, data provides a bias-free approach to decision-making that can swiftly reverse the course of operational bottlenecks and emergencies alike.
The Tideworks Data Platform provides users with visibility into curated data to identify trends in various areas of their operation. From gate turn times to quay crane moves per hour, Tideworks is confident that Data Platform will show you problem areas in your operation you didn’t even know existed.
This powerful tool gives a fresh understanding of the reality of your business on a grand scale. As systems become increasingly complex and stakeholder expectations skyrocket, operators are leaning on modular, flexible technology more than ever to communicate the data they need to make fully informed decisions.
Providing a functional example, let’s take a look at how terminal operators can question the status quo and leverage data to optimize truck turn-times in their terminal with Tideworks Data Platform.
Evaluating Turn-Times
Every terminal operator is aware of their turn times. Turn times are a central KPI for any terminal. An important aspect of evaluating turn times is understanding what can potentially cause extended turn times in the first place. Turn time swings can be related to numerous sources including a particular trucking company, shipping line, booking issues, and more. Turn time increases can also be the result of not just one source, but an accumulation of smaller delays resulting from inefficiencies in various areas. For example, the processing time of automated data capture technologies such as OCR, clerk processing speed, drive time in the yard, time to service trucks with lift equipment, and out gate processing, are all aspects of a terminal operation where inefficiencies could create a domino effect of operational delays.
When a terminal operator identifies an inefficiency, it is crucial they use real data to determine what needs to be audited and adjusted. From there, they can drill down and analyze different aspects of the data to view what areas of the operation are causing delays and increasing turn times.
For example, a terminal operator might find they have plenty of gate clerks, but if they don’t have enough yard equipment to service the truckers, they’ll encounter a bottleneck of trucks sitting idle in the yard. Without Tideworks Data Platform or a robust data visualization platform, a terminal operator could not quickly identify this as an equipment issue instead of a gate-clerk performance problem. This would prevent them from designating vital resources to the wrong area of the operation. With Tideworks Data Platform, terminal operators can quickly determine, down to the most granular details, what is truly causing the operational issue, dedicate the right resources, and get back to optimal performance.
Download our Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) Case Study to explore how Tideworks implemented Data Platform at MIT to dramatically improve data accuracy and eliminate needless redundancy in reporting.
Using this same example, let’s walk through a decision-making timeline and how Tideworks Data Platform can help you move from problem detection to resolution quickly.
1. The terminal operator discovers gradual increases in turn times. They set out to investigate whether turn-times are increasing in general or in specific areas of the operation.
2. Drilling down into the data, they find that a particular shipping line is experiencing longer turn times than the terminal average.
3. Through data analysis, they also find it is a consistent issue of increasing turn times, not an isolated incident affecting the average.
4. The data also shows frequent trouble ticket submissions relating to booking errors at the gate.
5. This issue caused extra dispatcher calls and forced the trucker to re-enter the queue, affecting both truck turn times and gate throughput in the process.
6. By identifying the root cause of the issue, the terminal could reach out to the shipping line to notify them of the frequent booking mismatches.
7. The shipping line was then able to identify and rectify a problem with EDI booking transmissions to the terminal, resulting in an immediate decrease in turn times.
This example represents the type of issue that can be quickly identified and resolved with the Tideworks Data Platform. The platform allows users to look at segments of a turn time, not just the turn time as a whole. Data like this can be uncovered in a few simple clicks.
Data Platform and Your Terminal Data
Gain visibility into reliable and actionable data with Tideworks Data Platform and connect systems such as our newest TOS iteration, Mainsail 10, as well as systems beyond the TOS including:
- Gate automation technologies (OCR, RFID, etc.)
- Appointment systems
- HR systems
- Equipment telematics and positioning systems
- Accounting/ERP systems
Many of these pieces are often involved in running a modern terminal; however, getting data and reports from each individual source can be difficult and extremely time-consuming. Without a data-platform accompaniment to your TOS, an operations team must aggregate isolated reports and try to make the pieces fit. Tideworks Data Platform pieces the data puzzle together automatically providing robust visibility into terminal challenges like turn times and more.
With Tideworks Data Platform users can effortlessly access their amalgamated and curated data and simply drill down into key metrics like truck turn times to find opportunities for optimization without the support of data scientists.
Users can also gain a holistic view of an operation in real-time to ascertain the presence of a problem quickly, as well as a historical view to provide a benchmark.
With Tideworks Data Platform, if a large spike in turn times is detected, real-time analysis allows for real-time action. It also allows a terminal operator to evaluate the data over time to inform whether or not this problem has become a trend rather than an isolated incident.
Data-Driven Competitive Advantages
Before Tideworks Data Platform, smart terminals would eventually uncover the root causes of operational issues. But the question is, at what cost?
With Data Platform, what used to be considered complex data analysis can now be monitored daily alongside a cup of morning coffee. Terminal operators can quickly determine whether or not something out-of-ordinary is happening in the operation and make real-time adjustments. The operations team now has the freedom to leverage curated data to enact meaningful, impactful improvements, rather than analyzing various data sets and disconnected reports.
With Tideworks Data Platform, a user is empowered to shift the mindset from “I think” to “I know” when determining what’s happening at their terminal. Operational metrics available in a single, self-service dashboard allow Tideworks’ clients to make informed, timely decisions that give them a leg up on their competition and increase stakeholder satisfaction across the board.
Before you make another decision based on a “hunch,” contact Tideworks today to see how Tideworks Data Platform can impact terminal operations performance with the power of your own data.
Data-Driven Decision Making Webinar
The Data-Backed Keys to Unlocking Innovative Improvements in Your Terminal
Struggling with complex data challenges that don’t align your business and leave you wondering where you can really improve your operations? Having a robust data platform will empower your operations team to make innovative enhancements to your terminal that can be observed in real-time.
In this webinar we will explore the following:
Why and how leveraging data analytics promotes and sustains the virtuous cycle of innovation
How to implement a data analytics solution successfully