Unlock New Levels of Profitability with a Modern Terminal Management Systems

By November 16, 2023November 30th, 2023Articles, Industry Insights
Terminal technicians working with terminal management system

Efficiency in terminal operations isn’t just an option. It’s a necessity. It’s the bread and butter of most ports and terminals around the world. After all, cargo shippers expect to spend as little time as possible at port; they want to get their items delivered to the customer as quickly as possible so they can use their vessels and manpower for the next job.

Terminal operators around the world are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency and stay on top of their competition.

One major way they approach this problem is through technology—specifically, the use of sophisticated terminal management systems.

Let’s discuss how modern terminal management systems streamline efficiency, help improve decision-making, and can lead to more customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Operations and Increased Efficiency

Every second counts in the world of terminal operations. Bustling employees, cargo, and equipment don’t slow down and can’t be paused while you search for ways to improve efficiency. Problems that arise on the fly must be solved on the fly, and to do this, you’ll need accurate, real-time insights that only modern terminal management systems can provide.

Near Real-Time Data Access

Waiting until the end of the day, when things slow down, to solve problems is a great way to fall behind and compromise customer satisfaction. A modern TOS can provide operators with crucial data they need almost instantly, enabling them to make fast decisions and massively increase efficiency.

Intuitive Graphics and Symbols Make Data Digestible

Giving your operators access to data is one thing, but how easy will it be for them to interpret that information and make great decisions with it? The newest TOS will come with simplified and intuitive graphical depictions that allow operators to quickly grasp essential information.

A More Focused Data Flow

In the interest of efficiency, you’ll only want the most relevant data to be displayed to your operators at any given moment. A TOS can streamline data flow, reduce clutter, and optimize performance through smarter data flow.

Efficient Record Management

Operators who have to spend hours combing through records are prone to mistakes, increased stress, and distractions. A modern TOS will enable mass editing capabilities for the swift update of multiple cargo records in a single operation. This can reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks and enhance overall productivity.

Enhanced Decision-Making through Data Analytics

Solving problems quickly and effortlessly is a great way to boost productivity, but you can do better. You should aim to prevent issues before they arise by making smarter, more informed decisions about your terminal operations.

Modern terminal management systems have several advantages that can help with this.

Visual Yard Planning

Modern terminals utilize visual yard planning systems that provide real-time graphical views of the terminal. These visual depictions empower terminal operators to plan their container movements using more streamlined information and without the need for archaic physical diagrams that can become degraded over time.

In addition to useful visualizations, modern management software also comes with useful tools that can assist with cargo movement planning, further reducing the time needed for critical decisions.

Demand Forecasting and Resource Allocation

To accurately plan for the future, you’ll need to study the past. A rich source of data, well structured and easy to access, will be your best option when it comes to forecasting future demand and even deciding where to allocate your limited resources.

Terminal management systems with robust data and reporting capabilities can enable you to:

  • Analyze historical data on container movements, vessel schedules, and resource usage
  • Identifying patterns in this information will enable operators to predict demand and seasonal fluctuations
  • View standardized KPIs related to operations that can provide real-time insights into productivity and turn times. Knowing the current state of operations accurately will help you understand where you need to go in the future
  • Collect data in a centralized data platform that provides a solid foundation for advanced analytics and modeling

Improved Customer Service and Satisfaction

A long shot of an intermodal terminal

The best way to improve customer satisfaction is to ensure you turn cargo around quickly and accurately. Then, you’ll want to make sure you’re proactively communicating with your customers.

Doing both of these builds trust and establishes your terminal as a reliable service provider that customers will want to return to.

Modern terminal management systems enable these tools and features so you can create long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Reducing Wait Times

Systems like Tideworks’ Mainsail contain features that streamline your terminal’s operations and drive efficiency:

  • Near real-time feedback ensures operators always have access to critical information when they need it. This means no more wasted minutes waiting for data queries to yield results; operators can solve problems as they arise and keep the flow of cargo moving
  • Easily recognizable graphics means terminal operators can instantly recognize potential efficiency hurdles. Complex information such as damage and hazard status are displayed in an easily digestible visual format, reducing time spent deciphering data

Enhancing Transparency

Communication is a fundamental aspect of trust. Your customers need to know they can rely on you to respond to them quickly and offer solutions on the fly. A TOS can help by:

  • Giving stakeholders across the port community access to real-time data. This includes your truck drivers, shippers, and other integral third parties. This transparency will foster accountability and help you build trust
  • Offering enhanced localization options, such as multiple languages and units of measurement. Allow your customers and stakeholders to view information in their preferred format for seamless communication

Supercharge Your Efficiency with Tideworks Technology

The right combination of  employees, smart management, and cutting-edge technology can bring you untold benefits if you’re still using outdated systems. 

Increased efficiency, more informed decision-making, and enhanced transparency are just a few of the benefits that modern terminal management systems can offer.

Tideworks is a software provider that’s spent over twenty years helping marine and intermodal terminal operators around the world improve their operations through smart software solutions. And we don’t stop there: we’re passionate about helping our customers grow and thrive by partnering with them to find the best solutions for their terminal now and into the future. 

If you’re interested in terminal management systems that can improve the way you operate every aspect of your terminal and a company that’s excited to support you as you scale on your terms, contact Tideworks today and let’s find out which solutions are right for you.